3. Using Canned Responses & Tags

October 11, 2023



In Spoke you apply tags to save information about your conversation. Tags allow candidates or local partners to follow up later. They also help us update incorrect information.

Examples include:

  • Moved
  • Wrong Number

When to Use Tags

Tags depend on the campaign so be sure you're reading the campaign toolkit to know what tags are available for that specific campaign.

How to Tag Someone on Your Computer

For more details, check out our volunteer training.

  1. Navigate to the tag portion on the right side of your texter page
  2. Click any and all tags you need to add to the conversation (once a tag is selected the ‘save tags’ button at the bottom of the tag list will become clickable).
  3. Click “Save tags”.

It’s important to note that some canned responses do have tags assigned to them that will automatically attach to the conversation when used. For instance wrong number and moved. This is why it’s important to read the campaign toolkits - this will prevent you from taking unneeded extra steps.

How to Tag Someone on Mobile

The steps to tag someone on mobile are the same. The only difference is that you need to tap the 3-dot menu button at the bottom right to show the “Managed Tags” button.